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  • How is the table set up?
    Each event is very unique, especially when trying to keep it socially distanced. Sometimes we use large tables and leave space between each guest or each couple. And sometime we use 48” round tables with one couple or 2 individuals per table. It’s important that during the pandemic, everyone feels safe and happy. People are ecstatic to finally partake in an exclusive event with safe social interaction.
  • How should the centerpiece be constructed?
    I want each table to look beautiful, creating a “wow” effect when people arrive. I try to use as many candles as possible which creates a beautiful effect. Each candle holder is filled with wine corks that I save from each event. Each WineDown contestant has grapes and crackers displayed beautifully in front of the to cleanse the palate between tastings. If a catered meal is part of the evening, it’s very important to display the food in front of each guest in a beautiful and socially distanced manner. No food sharing, passing around food or buffets.
  • How many people should be invited?
    Ideally a wine tasting event is best with 10-12 guests. If we increase the number of guests, then we need to increase the amount of wine and the number of staff members pouring the wine.
  • How do you place the glasses?
    Each guest has a tray in front of them with wine glasses numbered from 1-6. Three glasses for white wines and 3 glasses for red wines.
  • What wines do you pour first?
    We usually start with a flight of 3 white wines and then move on to a flight of 3 red wines.
  • What do you do to initiate conversation?
    I start the event by asking everyone to take their seats. I then introduce the WineDown wine tasting game including how it got started, the rules of the game and what the scorecards are all about. I explain that the winner takes home a prize. I then introduce our wine expert from, Brad Du Plessis.
  • How do you handle varied levels of wine knowledge
    When I introduce Brad, I speak about his extensive and impressive wine background and I explain to the guests how knowledgeable he is and that they can challenge him with any wine question and he will have the answers. Brad explains to the guests not to be intimidated by wine. “There is no such thing as a good or bad wine. If a wine feels good on your palate and you enjoy it...then it’s a good wine.”
  • How long should the game go?
    About an hour to an hour and a half.
  • How long should you give for the contestants to make their choices?
    We give them a few minutes to think about their answers. Brad gives clues along the way to help formulate their answers and there is a short cheat sheet under the scorecard with a few hints as well. We then announce “please write your final answers and put your pencils down” before we do the big reveal. After each flight of wine, we remove the 3 blind tasting bottle bags to show off each wine that they have just tasted.
  • How much wine should you pour for each flight?
    Ideally about 2 ounces per glass. Often the guests will ask for a re-pour as they need to taste a little more as they compare the different wines against each other.
  • What are some of the food options you recommend with the game?
    We have been using foods that pair well with wine and can be consumed at room temperature. Everyone loves pizza which makes it one of our go-to options!
  • Do you work exclusively with
    Yes. The advantage of working with is that it gives our clients a chance to discover their new favorite wines from all over the world. They offer over 1000 bottles of wine that can be shipped anywhere in the US in one business day. More importantly, offers about 60 exclusive wines imported from small boutique wineries all over the world that can only be purchased through them, all at different price points. My clients are super excited to try new wines they have never tasted before while at the same time they are helping to support small kosher wineries globally.
  • What is the take away from each event?
    It is important to drink responsibly with good friends for happy occasions. It is difficult for people to see one another now and this is the perfect antidote for social interaction. It even states in the Talmud that “there can be no celebration without (meat and) wine.” I read a beautiful quote recently that inspired me: “Wine is a way of life. It is passion and culture, art and history, present and future. When paired well with food, it brings an unforgettable experience to the palate.”
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